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UPDATE: County and District Conventions

Hello Craven County Democratic Party Members,

On Wednesday night, the Executive Council of the North Carolina Democratic Party met again to discuss the best possible solution for 2020 County and District conventions.

In light of the recent health crisis, the Executive Council has voted to postpone the dates of County and District conventions and to move all county conventions to virtual conventions. These changes are still pending DNC approval.

All County Conventions scheduled for March 28, 2020 will now be held April 25, 2020

All District Conventions scheduled for April 25, 2020 will now be held May 16, 2020

Each convention will be hosted on an NCDP-sponsored virtual platform. The platform will be tested in advance and the NCDP will offer training for all. Please find additional guidance from the state party online here.

NCDP is also taking additional precautions to protect the health and well-being of our members. The state party has closed NCDP headquarters to the public through May 1, 2020; mandate remote working for all staff until at least April 1st; encouraged members to limit in-person meetings when possible; and, postponed all party sponsored events, including fundraisers, until further notice.

Your county party is similarly following the Governor’s commonsense recommendations and the advice from the CDC.

We understand that many of us are anxious. We also understand that these decisions may be frustrating to some and the prospect of using a new technology may be daunting but the party has committed to making this process as smooth as possible. However, these are the best measures and in accordance with guidelines from federal, state, and local leaders to protect the health and well-being of all North Carolinians. Our number one priority remains is the health and safety of our communities.

Thank you for your continued patience,
Linda Moore