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2024 Craven County Democratic Candidates

It is with great excitement that we present our roster of 2024 Democratic Candidates.


In our commitment to the American people we gave ourselves the lofty goal of finding a Democrat to run for every seat. With a couple exceptions, we did just that.

April Day of Action

Wainwright Dinner 2024

Plan to join the Craven County Democratic Party on Friday, April 19, for its annual Wainwright Dinner,

The event begins at 5:30 p.m. at The Flame Catering and Banquet Center, 2301 Neuse Blvd., New Bern.

Each seat costs $65, with tables and sponsorships available.

New North Carolina Voter ID Requirements

Craven County Board of Elections has recently posted the new Voter ID requirements for the state of North Carolina.  Please familiarize yourself with these new requirements so we can better assist and educate voters on what is now needed to vote! We cannot stress enough the importance of getting the word out on the new requirements!  These will make it much harder on a lot of Democrats to get their voices heard at the polls!


Also- here is the link to FAQ regarding Voter ID on the North Carolina State Board of Elections:



2023 Wainwright Dinner

Plan to join Craven County Democratic Party Friday, April 21, for its annual Wainwright Dinner, where we begin “Building a Brighter Blue Future.”

Precinct Re-organization Meetings

Grassroots volunteers win elections. Strengthen the North Carolina Democratic Party’s ground game by joining your local precinct meeting and work alongside your neighbors to mobilize this community!

Post-Election Action

While Election Day has come and gone, and it is not easy to be a Democrat in Craven County, the last thing we should do is despair.  Together we can make a change.  Turn your emotions into action.

Vote in the Midterm Election!

Some people just love the Election Day experience. We get that. There’s nothing quite like going into that booth on a Tuesday and being given that fancy “I Voted” sticker when you leave.

Early Voting in the Midterm

Don’t want to worry about long lines on Election Day? Stop by One-Stop Early voting and get your vote in. Vote early and bring friends, family, and neighbors!

Midterms FAQ

Have questions about voting? We have answers. Be prepared before you head to the polls.